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Focus on

Elevate, innovate, humanize. These were drivers of our project to reposition the Wyser brand towards a premium target audience and to restructure its communication strategy on LinkedIn. At first we defined target and goals, than we created and developed communication formats focusing, in particular, in improving engagement and employer branding. The creative project began with the study of the graphic symbol “W,” the core of the visual identity, and its dynamic evolution reflecting the brand’s approach and values. The whole poject was driven by a strong need for renewal, yet still consistend with the brandbook and Wyser identity.

Insight & DATA

This format illustrates phenomena in the world of work, industry sectors, or recruitment trends through proprietary or third-party data. We achieve this with animated infographics or videos accompanied by text.

Your Opportunity

Format dedicated Search&Selection, Wyser’s core business. It addresses the dual need of providing attractive content and conveying the brand’s prestige and vertical expertise in specialized sectors. The section’s name, “Youropportunity,” also contributes to the positioning by engaging candidates in a direct and personal manner.

next level

Useful and quick to consume “tips” are among the most appreciated content by the LinkedIn community. “Next Level” format offers career advice and practical tips related to the world of work, expressed directly with simple and brief phrase. The graphic element in the background makes the content immediately recognizable, attractive, and helps with memorization.


A format dedicated to highlighting the reasons that make the brand unique: its value proposition, the way of working and living at Wyser. Defining elements of the format are the pictures of Wyser consultants and their words, providing authenticity to the content.

reason wyser

A format dedicated to conveying the brand’s values. We use impactful keywords to amplify a concept fully expressed in the copy. Grafic animation starts from a word, zooms in to reveal the human element, represented by photograph depicting people at work or engaged in group activities.